Thursday, 19 April 2018

What Every Guy Should Know About Penis Warts

When a man sees anything that comes close to resembling a wart on his penis, he might freak right out – and for good reason. Anything that mars the equipment not only has the opportunity to put a damper on his sex life, but the idea of genital warts can really make a man wonder where he got them, what it might mean for his future, and much more. It’s important to understand this rather common penis problem and how to handle the issue of penis warts if they do show up.

How common are penis warts?

Though penis warts might seem like a terrifying ordeal, they are actually quite common. Skin warts are caused by HPV, an extremely common virus that most people will be exposed to in their lifetime. In fact, there are over 70 strains of HPV, and though most of them show up with no symptoms at all, some of them do lead to penis warts.

The good news is that penis warts caused by HPV are not a life sentence. In most cases, the immune system fights back and gets rid of the warts within two years of their first appearance. However, the idea of living with warts on the penis for two years can be enough to make a man look for treatment alternatives.

How to treat penis warts

As with most penis problems, the best way to treat penis warts is to visit the doctor. Once there, a few treatments might be recommended:

1) Prescription creams. Many men will opt for prescription creams, which can lessen the appearance of warts while it helps to shrink them. It will still take a while for them to disappear, but the time a man must live with them can be shortened considerably.

2) Cryotherapy. Men who have dealt with other types of warts, such as those that commonly appear on the hands or feet, will be familiar with this treatment. It involves the use of liquid nitrogen to “freeze” the wart, thus killing it. The wart will then fall off within a short period of time.

3) Electric cauterization. In this treatment, a man is given a local anesthetic to numb any pain, then an electrical current is applied to the area of the wart. The result is killing the wart and just as with the liquid nitrogen, the problem should clear up rather quickly.

4) Watch and wait. Though most men will not like to hear this as an option, many doctors will choose the “watch and wait” policy when it comes to penis warts. This is especially indicated if a man has other problems that might mean he shouldn’t undergo treatments, such as an underlying medical condition that might make the treatments dangerous for him. In this case, a man will want to do everything he can to boost his immune system in the hopes that it will take over and eradicate the warts sooner rather than later.

When a man has penis warts, it’s best to avoid sexual contact with anyone. This is because even if a man uses a condom, the HPV in his body can be alive and well on the skin elsewhere in the genital area, and that means he can pass the problem on to a partner even if they practice safer sex. HPV vaccinations might be helpful in lowering a man’s risk of contracting HPV again. And if a man does choose treatments rather than “watch and wait” methods, he will want to avoid sexual activity during the time it takes the body to heal.


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Masturbation Control: Fighting the Urge

While most men like to think that they are master of their domain, the fact is that being able to control the urge for masturbation can be challenging for many. Of course, there’s usually no physical reason for needing to control the rate of masturbation; studies indicate that masturbation is even healthy for a guy. But most guys go through some period when they think they’d like to control the urge for a while – a few weeks, a few days – sometimes even a few hours. They may do so because they’re saving up semen for making a baby or because they’re raw and tender or because they need to spend more time on that big project for work. Whatever the reason, they may find it can be surprisingly hard to keep the hands out of the danger zone.

So for those guys who are planning a vacation from self-elation for a while, the following tips may come in handy (or non-handy, as the case may be).

– Avoid the porn. Okay, so this seems like a basic no-brainer. Staring at pictures of beautiful naked people engaging in sexual frenzies is hardly the best way to pull back the masturbation game. Dump any porn which is hanging around the house and avoid the temptation to just “take a quick peek” at any new videos that have been added to a favorite porn site.

– Know the triggers. Every person has different triggers. A guy should take a few moments to figure out his personal masturbation triggers before trying to control his self-fondling. Avoiding porn is a common one, but what others are unique to a specific man? Do certain fragrances cause an arousal? Does talking to a vivacious redhead at work make a guy feel like a quick session in the men’s room? Make a list – and take steps to keep the triggers at bay.

– Sleep later. A lot of guys wake up with morning wood and decide they’ve got just enough time to take matters in their own hand. To avoid this temptation, set the alarm clock for ten or twenty minutes later so that rushing is necessary to avoid being late.

– Take cold showers. Not only does this help to dampen the self-sex drive, but it encourages a guy to get out of the shower quickly, rather than luxuriating in it and finding time to masturbate.

– Keep busy. Often masturbation comes about due to boredom – so fill the week with plenty of activities. And this can have the added bonus of allowing a guy to spend time with old friends he hasn’t seen in a while or actually see all those great movies he never has time for.

– Get hobbied. If it’s hard to fill the time, take up a new hobby (or restart an old one).

– Have a lot of sex. If a dude is in a relationship (or several, as the case may be), he should take advantage of that fact during his masturbation vacation. The more sex he has, the less likely he is to want to self-satisfy. Of course, there are some men who find that they actually masturbate more when in a sexual relationship – so for those men, find an excuse to avoid going to bed with any partners for a while.


Saturday, 14 April 2018

Uncomfortable Penis Injury: Frenulum Breve

There aren’t a lot of different penis health issues between intact men and circumcised men, other than basics like needing to clean beneath the foreskin if a guy is intact. However, there is one penis injury an intact male might suffer – it’s called frenulum breve.

The frenulum

Often referred to colloquially as the banjo string, the frenulum is (to quote Wikipedia) “an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects the foreskin (prepuce) to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the foreskin over the glans.” The frenulum is typically long and helps allow for full retraction of the foreskin when the penis is in its erect state. All men are born with one; however, if a male is circumcised, most or all of the frenulum is removed during the circumcision.

Many men find the frenulum to be especially sensitive to touch and therefore one of their favorite erogenous zones.

Sometimes, however, an intact male may find that his frenulum is too short, a condition estimated to occur in about 5% of all intact men. This is what is meant by the term “frenulum breve.”

Penis injury

If the frenulum is too short, it can cause issues when the penis becomes erect. The foreskin may retract, but not all the way. Or it may fully retract, but the shortness of the frenulum may cause the glans to bend, so that it pulls forward in a manner which can cause pain.

But the real penis injury comes from small tears and cuts that occur when the shortened frenulum tries to stretch too far. Despite the fact that these are small, they can create a significant amount of pain. Think how painful paper cuts are, despite the fact that they are small. Now put that pain on one of the most sensitive areas of the body and imagine what it must feel like.

Sometimes the cuts can heal on their own, although this requires abstaining from sex for a while – and not all cuts do heal spontaneously. If the penis injury does not heal by itself, it’s important to seek out a urologist for his assistance.


In some cases, the urologist may suggest continued rest. At other times, however, some form of surgery may be necessary.

Often a urologist will suggest circumcision as the best way to handle frenulum breve. Removal of the foreskin can indeed remove the problem; however, many men who are intact have very strong feelings about maintaining their foreskin and do not wish to consider removal.

Another option is something called a frenuloplasty. It’s a short procedure, usually lasting about half an hour and generally conducted under local anesthesia. The doctor will take the frenulum and make a cut in it, then re-sew the two flaps in such a way that the frenulum has greater length and movement. The stitches usually stay in for a few weeks.

Freedom from pain is not immediate; it usually takes several months for the procedure to totally heal. However, most men then report that their erections do not have the pain they once had and find a greater freedom of foreskin movement.


Thursday, 12 April 2018

Understanding The Sexual Mind of A Single Woman or Man

One of the major mistakes that most single men and women make when trying to understand other single men and women is underestimating just how important sex is to both genders. The tables have turned. For years men got away with thinking about sex. It was socially accepted for men to desire sex without any negative perceptions of them. For many years it was frowned upon for women to speak of sex or even let it be know that they wanted or desired sex openly. A woman that lusted for sex was considered a tramp or a woman with low standards of cleanliness. Single women were even afraid to admit to themselves that they had sexual desires because of feelings of guilt that society piled upon them.

What people don’t understand about the genders nowadays is that there aren’t anymore barriers between the two genders. Single men and women alike can speak openly and discuss their wants, needs, and sexual desires openly without anyone passing judgement on them.

The fact of the matter is that male and female sexual desires do exist, and they strongly exist in both male and female genders. Women now have the freedom just as men do to express their sexual desires. Not the freedom to have sex necessarily, but that it is OK for women to admit that they enjoy it, and want it, and have it with more than one partner if they wish to. The cat is out the bag. Women want the world to know that they enjoy sex just as much as men do and shouldn’t feel like it is a sin. Men and women should now realize that it is open game for both genders. Sex is something that both men and women can enjoy.

Now, since you know that women enjoy sex just as much as men do, you should also know that women are not just looking for someone special as previously thought. Single women today don’t just want sex, they want good sex. And as far as single women are concerned, whether or not the sex they have is good is the responsibility of the man. We, as men, are the first ones to point out that this is unfair, for you are only as good as your participating partner, but this is a reality that we all must live with. Such is life!

The next time you try to figure out a single man or woman’s actions you may want to come to this reality that I am about to share with you. Time and time again, men have asked me why did he or she go for a certain person? He or she doesn’t have nearly as much going for them as I do. “The answer is simple: He or she was more sexually attracted to them than you. And that is it in a nutshell. It is quite clear that both men and women choose their partners by sexual attraction. If a man or woman is interested in you it is your sex appeal that got your foot in the door and performing good sexually will keep you there.

For those of you that don’t know, sex is a very powerful facet to relationships. This is not to say that sex is the only important thing regarding relationships, but what I am saying is that it plays a larger role than people would like to admit. Single women, just like men, will want to meet someone or start a relationship with someone if they find that person sexually attractive. And as the relationship continues, good sex is often what holds the relationship together.

If an objective survey was taken today, I wouldn’t be surprised at all of the results that would come to light. Researchers have concluded that many break-ups today stem from sexual dissatisfaction or sexual boredom, and that sexual partners leave a relationship because they are looking for something more stimulating. More single women are leaving relationships because of this more and more today than ever before. And what does all of this mean? It means that if you want to be successful with a single man or woman, you’d better know how to keep them sexually satisfied.


When a Head Injury Causes Penis Problems

Head injuries are much on the minds of many men, especially those who engage in rough contact sports like football or boxing. Many professional athletes are discovering that head injuries can have lasting effects, many of which may not show up for some years. But injuries to the head can occur even in men who aren’t pro athletes; for example, an automobile accident can result in traumatic brain injury. Head issues are serious simply in and of themselves – but is it possible they could potentially have an effect on penis health as well? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. A serious injury to the head could potentially result in penis problems.

It’s important to note that not all blows to the head mean a trauma to the penis. In many cases, penis health is impacted minimally, if at all. But since it can occur, it pays for men to know a little about the possibility.

Head injuries

There are numerous kinds of head injuries, but the one most often associated with penis problems is called traumatic brain injury. As the name implies, this occurs when the brain is involved in a traumatic situation, such as hitting the windshield in a car accident or falling and having the head hit a hard sidewalk. Traumatic brain injuries can range in severity, sometimes resulting in headaches or concussions, other times in far more serious problems.

Penis problems

Among the penis problems that may result from head injuries are:

– Sex drive changes. According to one study, almost 50% of people who experience a traumatic brain injury report a decrease in their sex drive. For some, this is transient and corrects itself within a few weeks; for others, the dampening may be more long lasting. A much smaller percentage report an increase in their sex drive, in some cases to an extent that they may experience a form of compulsive libido.

– Erectile dysfunction. Some forms of erectile functioning issues occur in 40-60% of men after a serious head injury. Again, this may be short term or long term.

– Orgasmic dysfunction. Similarly, as many as 40% of men have reported difficulty reaching an orgasm during sex after injury. This includes both partner-based sex and masturbation.

– Decrease in Sex. A lowered sex drive may lead to a decrease in actual sexual activity, but there may be other reasons, including pain or depression subsequent to the injury, which account for the slow down.

– Inhibition dysfunction. One of the rarer side effects, in some cases damage may affect the ability to exercise proper control over sexual desires, resulting in episodes of exhibitionistic tendencies or activities. Again, this is one of the less common side effects.

Men who experience penis problems after a head injury are encouraged to bring this problem up with their loved ones and their doctors. They should not be ashamed of the problem, and the sooner they seek help, the more quickly the issue can be addressed. An appropriate course of counseling or medication can be developed to address the problems. Some issues, such as a desire to engage in inappropriate sexual behavior, may require extensive treatment.


Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Penis Pain From Nocturnal Erections

Aside from people with fetishes in this area, no one really enjoys feelings of pain, and men especially tend to avoid anything that causes penis pain. Fortunately, careful attention to good penis health often reduces the chances of unwanted penis pain, but there are always exceptions. Certainly, accidents involving the penis and a zipper can happen, for example. But some men experience a different kind of penis pain, one which is related to the erections they experience over the course of the night.


In recent years, scientists and researchers have identified a condition known as sleep related painful erections, or SRPEs for short. Doctors at a clinic in the Netherlands conducted a retrospective study that looked at men who visited the clinic between the years 1996 and 2015 and were diagnosed as having SRPEs. They excluded men who presented with evidence of other conditions which might account for their painful erections. For example, men who were diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease, which is often marked by penis pain during erections, and some intact men whose penis pain was related to a swollen glans and/or too-tight foreskin were not counted.

So what are the characteristics of SRPEs? Basically, a man who was considered to have SRPE if he experienced erections while he slept that were so painful that they woke him from his sleep. (Most of the time, such erections occur during the rapid eye movement, or REM, portion of sleep.) But the erect penis pain should be limited to sleeping hours; if a man has pain-free erections during the day, he generally is excluded from classification of having SRPE.

The study

The study looked at 24 men who fit the criteria. The average time between the onset of the problem and the time they sought help at the clinic was 2 ½ years, indicating that there is some squeamishness about admitting to having this problem. This is not necessarily unusual when it comes to penis health issues, unfortunately.

The number of painful erections experienced in the course of a night ranged from 1 to 10, with the median number being 3. In 45% of the men, the erection lasted less than 15 minutes; only in 18% did it last for an hour. Testosterone levels did not appear to be higher than normal.

In addition to penis pain, the men tended to report fatigue due to poor sleep.


Much is still being learned about SRPE, and doctors are still determining what might be the best treatment method. Many men with SRPE find that urinating or walking around after waking up will cause the erection to fade.

In terms of preventive treatment, the study found that a particular muscle relaxer seemed to offer significant help, decreasing or eliminating SRPEs in a significant number of the men. However, it does appear that this treatment is effective only while being taken; after discontinuing treatment, SRPEs often return. And there are side effects to the medication which may discourage some men from using it on a continuing basis.

Other medications were used on some patients, with varying results. A larger prospective study is needed to better examine the treatment options and learn more about the pros and cons of each one.


How Obesity Can Sabotage a Healthy Penis

Obesity is quickly becoming a serious public health crisis. But while many people know that obesity can lead to certain problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, many aren’t aware of some of the other, more hidden dangers of being overweight. While many men who are carrying extra pounds still have a quite satisfying sex life and run into no problems with penis care, there are also those who have encountered more than a few penis problems. Here’s what a man needs to know about maintaining a healthy penis in the face of obesity.

Ways obesity can affect penis health

Though it’s obvious by now that obesity affects several body functions, including the heart, just how does it affect a man’s time in the sack? Here’s how.

1) He doesn’t have as much stamina. A man who is carrying extra weight can often become fatigued faster than a guy of the proper weight, and that is never more obvious than in the bedroom. A guy might notice that as he puts on the pounds, he has more trouble breathing during heavy sexual activity and he might need to stop an enjoyable session before he wants to, just because his body can’t quite keep up the pace.

2) He might develop skin problems. When someone is obese, he might have “rolls” of skin that rub together. Those areas can lead to redness, rashes and even infection if he’s not extremely careful about hygiene. In addition, skin problems are common among those who have underlying problems, such as uncontrolled diabetes, as they make certain infections more common.

3) He might suffer from nerve damage. The nerves of the penis – and the rest of the body, for that matter – are very delicate and ready to respond to the slightest touch or sensation. But for those with obesity, the excess weight can put too much pressure on the nerves, leading to a deadening of sensation or even some measure of pain. Those who have problems with blood flow as a result of the pressure might also suffer from loss of sensation.

4) He might not be able to get it up. Everyone knows heart problems are the norm with obesity, but many men don’t think about the fact that a healthy heart is required for a healthy penis – specifically, that great blood flow is a must to get and maintain erections. Those who are too heavy might notice that their erections are no longer as strong as they once were, or that they don’t last as long as they once did.

5) He might seem to be “smaller” than he used to be. No, the penis doesn’t actually get smaller, but it can certainly look like it has. Why? Because every man has a “fat pad” right above his penis. When a guy is fit, he doesn’t notice this area at all. But as a guy gains weight, that fat pad becomes bigger, and eventually it protrudes enough to make the penis look smaller. This can affect what a partner thinks the first time she lays eyes on the equipment.

6) He might get depressed. Self-esteem is vitally important for anyone, and a guy who is suffering in that area might suffer in other ways, too. When a man starts to feel trapped by the extra weight and feels as though losing it is hopeless or will take far too long, he might become depressed, anxious, withdrawn, and a whole host of other things that don’t bode well for his relationships.


Tips for Improving Penis Sensitivity

Most men are well aware that penis sensation matters a great deal. It’s what makes anything sexual feel so wonderful – from the feather-light touches of a partner to the more heavy-handed use of their own hand for masturbation, all the sensation a man feels relies on the nerve endings in the penis. Those nerve endings provide penis sensation that can give a man the heights of pleasure. But many men don’t know just how much of an impact proper penis care can have on penis sensitivity. Here’s what every man needs to know about improving his penis sensation through a daily regimen.

Tips for improving penis sensitivity

So without further ado, here’s what every man should be doing, every single day, to help keep his sensitivity at its peak.

1) Keep it clean. Though daily hygiene seems like a no-brainer, many men don’t realize just how important it really is to get a daily shower and carefully clean the penis while under the water. Cleaning the penis well ensures that dead skin cells are washed away, which leaves glowing, fresh skin ready for action. Besides that, the water washes away nasty bacteria that could easily take hold and create rashes, lesions and more. Those skin problems can toughen up the delicate penis skin, thus leading to a decrease in penis sensitivity.

2) Moisturize like crazy. The more moisture trapped in the skin, the more likely the nerve endings will be healthy and happy. But not just any moisture works; a man should reach for moisturizers that contain only all-natural ingredients, that are proven to keep the skin smooth and supple and that have passed dermatological approval. When using the moisturizer, it’s always best to apply it immediately after a shower. This is when the skin is properly exfoliated, so the new skin will be more receptive to the softness imparted by the moisturizer, and it will “trap” the moisture from the shower inside, better hydrating the skin for hours.

3) Switch it up. Over time, many guys develop their favorite position during sex or their favorite grip during masturbation. And while this might be fine at first, over time the body comes to expect this certain touch or action. The nerve endings that are subject to that particular grip, for instance, might begin to lose some of their sensitivity, leading to areas of the penis that don’t respond as well as they used to. To prevent this from happening, a guy should never get stuck in a rut. Switching up his positions and grip can not only keep things fresh, but protect his penis sensation as well.

4) Protect it inside and out. A guy already knows that it’s important to protect his penis skin, such as with a plethora of vitamins and nutrients in a good penis health crème. But a guy might not realize that he also needs to be careful about what he puts into his body. The saying “You are what you eat” holds true for anyone, and that means that when a guy puts more desirable things into his body, he will see more desirable results on his skin. Eating a healthy diet, including lots of veggies and fruits, will show up in rosy, glowing skin and better sensitivity not just on his penis, but everywhere else as well.


Koro: Living in Fear of a Small Penis

Let’s face it: given a choice, most men would opt to be granted a humongous penis, even knowing full well that penis size does not have anywhere near the effect on sexual satisfaction that penis skill and penis health do. Most men, especially given society’s emphasis on the subject, can’t help but equate a big penis with virility and sexual appeal and a small penis with… well, not femininity, but certainly not with impressive sexual conquests. Fear of possessing a small penis can be compounded when a man develops koro, a condition in which he believes that his penis may actually be shrinking or in danger of shrinking.


Also known as genital retraction syndrome (GRS), koro describes a condition in which a person has an overwhelming, almost unshakeable belief that their genitals are shrinking, possibly to the point of actually disappearing from view. (In women, it may manifest as a belief that the breasts are shrinking). Sometimes the fear is not that the penis is shrinking but that it is in danger of being removed, either through castration or some other, often supernatural means.

Koro is a Malaysian term (meaning “head of the turtle”) that was first used in the 16th century. However, the concept of a belief that the penis is shrinking is much older and has appeared in many different cultures. It also is not something relegated to ancient beliefs or naïve people. Instances of koro have been documented in Europe, Africa and the United States in more modern times.

Sometimes koro can seem to “take hold” of a region during a period of time, resulting in significant numbers of men believing a small penis is in their future. This becomes a “penis panic,” with mass numbers of males fearing for their penises.

Psychological issue

Koro is considered a psychological issue and is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. That means if a man actually has a penis which is shrinking, he most likely does not have koro; if, however, if he has delusions of a shrinking penis or irrational fears that a small penis is in his future and no physical reasons for this fear, he is classified as afflicted by koro.

In some cases, the anxiety related to koro can be very high, bringing about feelings of panic, stress, worry, anger and other emotions. These can manifest in physical issues, including depression, loss of sleep, fatigue, etc. Some men believe the perceived penis shrinkage will end in their deaths, which can create possible suicidal or violent tendencies.

The cause of koro can vary. It may result from a belief in the supernatural, for instance, or it can come about because a man (or a group of men) feel disempowered by the society or culture in which they live. Sometimes guilt may come into play, especially if a man has been brought up to be ashamed of sexual feelings or masturbation.


If a man has a fear that his penis is shrinking, he should first consult a doctor to rule out any possible physical reasons why actual shrinkage might be occurring (e.g., Peyronie’s disease, obesity causing part of the penis to be hidden beneath fat, etc.). If there is no physical reason, he should consult with a mental health professional who can help devise strategies to address his small penis anxiety.


Monday, 9 April 2018

Erectile Dysfunction In Males – The Problem And The Solutions

More than 100 million men in the world suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction (ED). The highest percentage of affected males is in the age group of 60+ with about 60%; in the age group of 40-70 the ED affects about 52%; and in the age bracket of 20-39 the percentage is about 10-15%, but there is a trend that this younger group is suffering more of this symptom.

What Is The Real Problem?

It is usually regarded by many and seen more as a problem of aging than anything else. However, this is not so. Even though the many men are now advocating stronger health consciousness. This group generally stays away from unhealthy foods and live an active lifestyle like outdoor sports. It is not uncommon to find this younger group of males affected by ED.

This is because the global consumerist lifestyle is catching up with the younger generation. Also, young men are not so keen to discuss matters that affect their erection with their doctor. In most cases, ED is just swept under the carpet with the hope that it will solve itself. Well, it surely does not; rather without proper and timely treatment, it may even go from bad to worse.

What Is The Solution Today?

The solution is as simple as it is obvious. Awareness needs to be built in among the young masses so ED would be reported in the first stages when it is easiest to reverse. It is important that both doctors and ‘patients’ understand that erectile dysfunction in males is not something to be ashamed of. It is a health condition, which is in 9 out of 10 cases completely reversible – provided the man received medical attention at the earliest signs of problem.

Awareness should be propagated at all levels – for even most doctors are not very comfortable with the subject of erectile dysfunction. The sexual prowess is so closely intertwined with the macho image of a man everywhere that in most cases, men prefer to try out alternative medication or order incognito over the Net for medication such as the FDA approved three potent ED drugs – Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

With these three FDA approved ED-treatment drugs you can tackle a vast majority of erectile dysfunction hiccups. These three drugs are quite popular for erectile dysfunction in males. So are a host of herbal/ home remedies that can reverse this condition almost overnight.

You are not alone when it comes to erectile dysfunction. I have known of people who suffered from Erectile Dysfunction in the past, but they were all able to overcome this symptom and have regained their power. If you are contemplating to visit a doctor to overcome your condition, visit this page about ED, read and understand about it first. It explains everything you need to know about erectile dysfunction, its causes and cures. It might save you some money in the process!
